What is a digital viewing and how does it work when looking for housing to rent?
What is a video viewing and how does it work?
A video viewing offers a safe and smooth option when you're unable or doesn't want to meet in the accommodation during the viewing.
In short, the process is the following:
1. You book a viewing based on the available time slots and select the type of viewing that you prefer
2. You will see the viewing type options that the landlord has made available: viewing in the home and/or video viewing
In the following guide, we describe the process before, during and after the viewing..
Before the viewing
When selecting a viewing time, you are also asked to decide whether you want a viewing in the home or a video viewing.We recommend that you confirm the viewing details and viewing type with the landlord using Samtrygg's chat. If you decide to meet another time, you need to reschedule the time through Samtrygg's system.
On the Viewings page, you'll find all upcoming and passed viewings and from here you can also join the digital viewings by clicking the corresponding Join video viewing button. 5 minutes before the viewing both parties will receive a reminder per SMS and email with a link to the Viewings page.
You can use your computer with camera, smartphone or tablet for the viewing. Make sure that your device is charged and have a stable Internet connection before the digital viewings.
During the viewing
If your browser asks whether you'd like to allow Google to user your microphone and camera, please select "Allow". If you've, at an earlier point, selected to not allow your browser to use the microphone and camera you migght need to update your setting. See more information on how to do this here. https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/2693767
(Example of what this looks like in Safari)
Since some browsers might block popups, you might need to click the Join video viewing button if prompted.
It might last between 10 to 15 seconds before you've admitted into the meeting. While connecting, you'll see the message "Asking to join". When you've been let in, you will see Samtrygg's bot among the participants. Samtrygg does not, however, participate personally in the meeting and you can therefore not ask questions directly.
When both parties have joined the viewing, it's time to start the viewing. It's up to you as a landlord to decide on how to structure the digital viewing. Make sure that you'll give a positive and truthful picture of your possible future tenant. Change between the cameras in order to present both yourself and your accommodation.
After the viewing
After the viewing, it's time to review and decide whether you're interested to rent out to this applicant. This is done on the Viewings page, either by logging in manually or by following the link you'll receive per SMS and email after the viewing.
Common questions
The applicant didn't show up, what to do now?
Did you try to join the video viewing upon the right time? If yes, the absence might be due to a misunderstanding or technical issues. Send a chat message to the applicant and check whether it's possible to book a new viewing. After the viewing, you are asked to review the viewing and in this case you can select "The applicant didn't show up"
There's something wrong with the audio
Check this article: https://support.google.com/meet/answer/10620276?hl=sv&ref_topic=7290455
There's something wrong with the camera(s)
Check this article https://support.google.com/meet/answer/10621292?hl=sv&ref_topic=7290455