How does Samtrygg’s rent guarantee work?

The rental guarantee gives landlords economic protection for up to 12 months: 

  • Landlords get their rent payments for up to 12 months, regardless if the tenant pays or not
  • Should the contract be terminated early by either party, the guarantee covers the notice period - regardless if the tenant pays or not

Samtrygg was founded with an ambition to make it safe and simple for people to rent and rent out their homes. A key component in doing so is to ensure that landlords get paid, on time and regardless if the tenant pays or not. 

That is why our rent guarantee covers up to 12 months rent, regardless if the tenant pays or not. Should the contract be terminated early by either party, the guarantee covers the notice period - regardless if the tenant pays or not.   

  1. How does the rent guarantee work if the tenant terminates the contract early?

    The notice period in these cases is generally 1 month. Samtrygg guarantees that the landlord gets paid during the notice period, regardless if the tenant pays or not. 
  2. How does the rent guarantee work if the landlord terminates the contract early?

    The notice period in these cases is generally 3 months. Samtrygg guarantees that the landlord gets paid during the notice period, regardless if the tenant pays or not. 
  3. How does the rent guarantee work if the tenant ceases to pay the rent?

    In cases like these, the landlord needs to terminate the contract for the rent guarantee to be valid. From termination, the tenant has three weeks to pay all outstanding rent payments, and if not, the tenant will need to leave the apartment immediately. Samtrygg guarantees that the landlord gets paid during the entire period, regardless if the tenant pays or not.
  4. How does the rent guarantee work if the tenant ceases to pay the rent and refuses to move out as instructed?

    Although it is rare that tenants who cease with rent payments do not move out as instructed, it unfortunately happens. In cases like these, the next step is an eviction process.Samtrygg guarantees that the landlord gets paid during the entire eviction period, however, for a maximum of 12 months (an eviction generally takes about 9 months). We also help landlords with the process from start to finish, as well as reimburse all court and legal advisory fees. 

Do you have any questions regarding Samtrygg's rent guarantee? Please contact our customer service.

Are you interested in renting out your accommodation the worry-free and safe way? Read more and calculate your rent here.

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